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Friday, September 26, 2014
I absolutely LOVE the show Orange is the New Black. I decided to watch it one day when nothing was on TV and I've been a fan ever since. In fact, the show was the inspiration for my new kit, "Ladies N Lockdown." Available now at Pimpin PSPers Warehouse and PicsforDesign.
I am completely amazed at how good this came out. Needless to say, I won't be using orange in my kits for a loooong
Here is a tag I made using the amazing artwork of Ismael Rac.
Get "Ladies N Lockdown" today and share your creations with me!
Labels:PTU,Scrapkit,Showoff Tags | 0
:a young person, especially a hippie, rejecting
conventional society and advocating love,
peace and simple, idealistic values
This kit, "Flower Child" by Amy from Gimptastic Scraps is simply adorable! The colors are so sweet and subtle and the elements are absolutely perfect! I really enjoyed playing around with this one!
Visit her blog HERE for more info about the kit and Amy's other amazing creations!
With that said, here's the first tag I made using the kit and the gorgeous artwork of Pinup Toons. I am so happy they allow recoloring now! With a few minor tweaks, this tube fit perfectly!
Next, I knew immediately what tube I was going to use. I went to my Rac folder and pulled out this beauty.
She's just a ray of sunshine and fit the theme of the kit pretty well.
And of course, I made a few snags for you guys!
Thanks for stopping by! Let me know what you think of my creations and be sure visit Amy's blog and pick up this gorgeous kit!
Labels:Gimptastic Scraps,PTU,Scrapkit,Showoff Tags,Snags | 0
Saturday, August 9, 2014
I know...I know...
It's been a minute since I made a post of any sort but sometimes life throws us curve balls and we just have to keep swinging til we knock 'em out of the park! With that being said, I'm glad I'm back!
Yesterday, I had the opportunity to play with a kit by Amy from Gimptastic Scraps. I always love seeing what she comes up with! This time, I picked a beautiful kit titled "Spring Fairy". To get it and learn more about it visit her blog HERE!
Here's the first tag I made with the kit and the gorgeous artwork of Rachael Tallamy. I think it came out amazingly!
Next, I paired it with the stunning artwork of Verymany (PFD).
And of course, created a few snags for you;
Feel free to take one or them all!
Enjoy! ♥
Labels:Gimptastic Scraps,PTU,Scrapkit,Showoff Tags,Snags | 0
Sunday, June 22, 2014
I wanted to create a summer kit that took you away from the hotness & humidity and focused on the relaxing and calming aspect. I say mission accomplished with my new kit, "Beauty by the Bayside." A soft color palette sets the perfect tone for this kit and can be easily used for various beach, summer, or vacation themed tags.
Get it today at Pimpin PSPers Warehouse or PicsForDesign!
Check out the set I made for my bestie Jackie (Jackie's Jewels), usin the kit and the amazing artwork of Alex Prihodko. I am in love with the results!
Be sure to pick up my kit today! You won't regret it! ♥
Labels:PTU,Scrapkit,Showoff Tags | 0
Summer is finally here and there's no better way to kick it off than with this gorgeous kit by Jackie's Jewels titled "Rainbow Beach." It is so versatile and easy to work with and puts you right in the mood for sand, sun and vacation. Visit her blog >>HERE<< for more info on where to get the kit & more!
With that being said, check out this gorgeous tag I made with the kit and the amazing artwork of Verymany (PFD). I love the vibrant colors and the tube is a perfect fit!
Here's another creation with the artwork of Keith Selle (TPP). This was my first time purchasing/using his work and I'm definitely going back!
Oh, and of course, snags;
Be sure to visit Jackie's blog to find out where to get this AMAZING kit!
Happy Summer Days! ♥
Labels:Jackie's Jewels,PTU,Scrapkit,Showoff Tags,Snags | 0
Sunday, May 4, 2014
I haven't posted in forever!
My business is finally taking off after 4 years of hard work and I have been swamped with orders and events! However, I don't want to neglect you guys so I've set aside free time for myself to play around and make time for one of my other passions--TAGGING!
With that being said, I jumped back in the swing of things with this gorgeous kit, "Bowling Babe", by Gimptastic Scraps. Amy is a scrapkit guru, I swear! Lol
Her creativity has no bounds and it definitely shows in this kit;
I had a BALL playing with it and I know you will too! Visit her blog HERE for more info on where to get it!
I decided to make the first tag using the kit's inspiration tube by Cris DeLara (UYA). I couldn't resist! What a perfect spare...I mean, pair! Lol
I also decided to make a cluster frame freebie for you guys!
Here's a close-up of the frame and a tag I made with it using the fabulous artwork of Elias Chatzoudis.
And of course, snags!!
Please leave some love if you download and don't forget to visit Amy's blog! ♥
Wednesday, February 26, 2014
January's birthstone is Garnet. Going with the deep reds of this jewel, Amy (Gimptastic Scraps) came up with this beautiful and luxurious kit!
It was a pleasure working with this beauty!
I paired the kit here with the gorgeous artwork of Verymany. I really love how this turned out especially after not tagging for a minute!
And here is another tag I made with the kit and the beautiful artwork of Amy Matthews.
And of course, a few extras for you to snag;
The first of a series of birthstone mini kits, this is just the beginning of what's in store. Visit Amy's blog, HERE, for more info on where to get this stunning kit!
Labels:Gimptastic Scraps,PTU,Showoff Tags,Snags | 0
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My Licenses
My PSP Tubes: MPT11326
PSP Tubes Emporium: PTE1316
Indie-Zine: IZ5092
Lorenzo Di Mauro: LO1325DM
Keith Garvey: KG2770
Elias Chatzoudis: EAS11279
Arthur Crowe: AC644
Ismael Rac: IRS1890H
Barbara Jensen: BJ3485
UpYour Art: UYA4382
Creative Design Outlet: CDO-3393
Dreamscape Imaging: DSI867
PicsForDesign: pfd_karramel88
Scraps and the City: SATC834
Zindy Nielsen: ZZT3128
Roman Zaric: RZ216
The PSP Project: TPP02174